Welcome to our new look website. It’s designed to express how our teams are given a blank sheet of paper to work from. This gives them freedom to express their own original thinking, using their experience, passion, talent for investing and focus on providing great service. But with great freedom comes great responsibility too. So we work within a strong governance framework which holds our decisions to account. It’s this approach that we believe makes us different and produces good investment outcomes for our investors.
We believe it’s not thinking differently that’s risky – it’s thinking the same that is.
©Premier Miton Investors. 2025. Issued by Premier Miton Investors. Premier Portfolio Managers Limited is registered in England no. 01235867. Premier Fund Managers Limited is registered in England no. 02274227. Both companies are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and are members of the ‘Premier Miton Investors’ marketing group and subsidiaries of Premier Miton Group plc (registered in England no. 06306664). Registered office: Eastgate Court, High Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3DE.