Q&A: the importance of dividends

Gervais Williams, Head of Equities at Premier Miton and co-manager of the Diverse Income Trust, shares his view on the significance of dividends in this Q&A.

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The Diverse Income Trust launched in 2011 with the goal of providing shareholders with an attractive and growing level of dividends coupled with capital growth over the long-term. It does this through investing in UK-listed companies that have the potential to generate above-average dividend growth. Gervais Williams manages the trust’s portfolio with fund manager Martin Turner. 

Who better to ask about their importance than a fund manager known for focusing on delivering returns via good and growing dividends?

First things first, what are dividends and why do they matter?

Dividends are a proportion of company profits paid out to shareholders in cash as a reward for their investment. They’re usually paid on a per-share basis.

Gervais Williams (GW) says: “Listed companies, those that have issued shares through a stock exchange, do not just succeed by generating growing profits. Many pay good and growing dividends so they can accelerate their growth via additional finance raised from external shareholders. The ability and willingness of a company to pay steady dividends is seen as evidence of financial strength.

“During economic recessions, when most companies are short of cash, those paying good and growing dividends can often continue to raise additional funds.

“The most obvious benefit for the investor is that dividends can pay a regular income stream, with income-generating investments being particularly appealing to retirees.”

In certain market conditions, companies may reduce or even suspend paying dividends until conditions improve. This will impact the level of income distributed by the trust.

How important is the compounding effect of dividends?

Even income investors can take advantage of the power of compound interest from dividends reinvested. While the benefits of compound interest, earning interest on interest earned, are usually associated with investing early in life, retirees can make their money work for them too. For the income investor, investments in dividends can help cushion declines in share prices and are an opportunity for income growth.

GW: “Stock markets, where companies raise money by selling shares, typically fluctuate considerably throughout the year. The value of a fund minus any liabilities and expenses (also known as Net Asset Value or NAV) can increase by a large percentage or suffer setbacks over the course of the annual investment reporting cycle. Over the longer term, fund rises in some years are typically offset by falls in others.

“Meanwhile, significant cash dividends can rack up over time to become a greater and greater financial sum. So, over the longer term, say ten years, a significant stream of cash dividends may end up being most of an income fund or trust’s total return (or aggregate income), outpacing the growth of its overall NAV.”

What are the advantages of an equity income strategy over the longer-term?

As well as the generation of a regular stream of income through dividends, another benefit of investing in a strategy focused on generating income through listed companies is the potential for growth. Gervais Williams explains the opportunities he sees right now.

GW: “The years since 2011 have been marked by unusually strong stock market growth, especially in the US. Overall, most equity income strategies have reported a series of NAV rises. So, trusts which deliver a major portion of return via the accumulation of a stream of dividends, have been outpaced by those with a greater focus on NAV appreciation. We consider this unusual and vulnerable to change.

“More recently inflationary pressures have become increasingly unsettled. If this leads to recessionary conditions, companies requiring further finance for their businesses could find themselves under pressure, while those already generating extra cash should prove more resilient.

“With globalisation fading, a trust (a public limited company traded on the London Stock Exchange) or fund that can deliver a major proportion of its return via the accumulation of dividends may not just be well set to generate an attractive return over the longer term, but if stock markets are less buoyant may also outpace those focusing on NAV appreciation.”

What is the “small-cap effect” and why invest in a proportion of listed smaller companies and not just large ones and so-called mega-caps?

For the managers of the Diverse Income Trust, the search for cash generative companies is expected to favour the smaller UK-listed firms. Mega-caps are the largest companies in the investment universe as measured by their market capitalisation of $200billion or more.

GW: “Mainstream stock markets have performed so strongly for so long that low-cost passive strategies (sometimes called “buy-and-hold”), where portfolios’ allocations are solely determined by the scale of the individual stocks in an index, have become popular.

“This has led to a self-feeding loop with ever larger financial flows driving up technology stock valuations, so their returns have greatly outpaced all others. Meanwhile, withdrawals have depressed smaller companies’ returns, amplifying the period of underperformance.

“The performance of mega-caps has been extraordinary over recent years. However historic stock market data highlights that this is most unusual.

“Over the longer term, smaller companies typically outperform larger companies, a pattern academics refer to as the ‘small-cap effect’. Overall, most US technology mega-cap valuations appear overstretched currently, such that even a minor change in trend might now drive a major reversal in their returns. With global smaller companies’ valuations unusually low, we and the wider market are now starting to anticipate a major performance catch-up.”

Why focus on UK dividends?

GW: “Although the UK stock market has generated returns that compare favourably with inflation over the decades, its returns have been outpaced by international stock markets with greater cohorts of technology growth stocks that have drawn upon the buoyant markets to deliver accelerated growth.

“Overall, this has left the UK stock market standing on an unusually low valuation compared with the US mega-cap technology stocks, for example.

“In our view, the UK stock market has the potential to become one of the best performing global stock markets over the coming decade. This might occur at a time when many other stock markets are delivering comparatively weak returns.

“We believe a portfolio of UK-listed companies, including numerous smaller firms, is an advantage. If globalisation continues to fade, we believe that most global investors will reallocate into equity income stocks, with the UK stock market being the prime beneficiary.”

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Investment in smaller companies is typically higher risk than investment in larger companies. Shares in smaller companies can experience greater levels of volatility.

The level of income paid may fluctuate and is not guaranteed.

Typically, there is less risk of losing money over the long-term (which we define as over 5 years) from an investment that is considered low risk, although potential returns may also be lower. Investments considered higher risk typically offer greater opportunities for better long-term returns, though the risk of losing money is also likely to be higher.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future returns.

Trusts that have a strong focus on a particular country or region can carry a higher risk than those with a more diversified portfolio.

 Some of the main specific risks of investing in this trust are summarised here.

Equities (company shares) can experience high levels of price fluctuation. Smaller company shares can be riskier than the largest companies, companies in less developed countries (emerging markets) can be risker than those in developed countries and funds focused on a particular country or region can be riskier than funds that are more geographically diverse. These risks can result in bigger movements in the value of the fund. Equities can be affected by changes in central bank interest rates and by inflation.

Derivatives may be used within funds for different reasons, usually to reduce risk, which can be called “hedging”. This can limit gains in certain circumstances as well. Derivatives can also be used to generate income or to increase the risk being taken, which can have positive or negative outcomes. The derivatives used can be options or futures which are types of contracts that are dealt on an exchange or negotiated with a third party. More complex derivatives may also be used. Derivatives can also introduce leverage to a trust, which is similar to borrowing money to invest.

Trusts may have holdings in investments such as commodities (raw materials), infrastructure and property as well as other areas such as specialist lending and renewable energy. These investments will be indirect, which means accessing these assets by investing in companies, other funds or similar investment vehicles. These investments can also increase risk and experience sharp price movements. Trusts focused on specific sectors or industries, such as property or infrastructure, may carry a higher level of risk and can experience bigger movements in value. Certain investments can be impacted by decisions made by third parties, such as governments or regulators.

There are many other factors that can influence the value of a trust. These include currency movements, changes in the law, regulations or tax, operational systems or third-party failures, or financial market conditions that make it difficult to buy or sell investments for the trust.



Different groups of investments such as company shares, bonds, commodities, or property.



Describes financial assets, particularly cash, or other assets, such as shares, owned by a person or organisation.


Dividends (for investment trusts)

The portion of its profits or capital that a company chooses to return to its shareholders. For an investment trust, this is the payment of at least 85% of the trust’s income to its shareholders in each financial year.



The increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy.


Market capitalisation

The total value of the shares of a company, often referred to as ‘market cap’. For example, large companies are referred to as ‘large-cap’, medium sized companies as ‘mid-cap’ and small companies a as ‘small-cap’.


Total return

A way of showing how an investment has performed and is made-up of the capital appreciation or depreciation and includes any income generated by the investment. Measured over a set period, it is expressed as a percentage of the value of the investment at the start of that period.


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A free, English language copy of the trust’s full Prospectus, the Key Information Document and Pre-investment Disclosure Document are available on the Premier Miton website, or copies can be requested by calling 0333 456 4560 or emailing [email protected].

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