
Information for Vision Independent Financial Planning advisers


Absolute return

An investment, group of investments or fund which aims to provide a positive return in all market conditions over a period of time. It can also mean the rise or fall in the value of an asset over a particular period of time, expressed as a percentage.

Accumulation shares

A fund may have accumulation and income shares. If an investor selects accumulation shares, any income generated by the fund is automatically reinvested. The amount of the reinvested income is reflected in the increased price of each accumulation share.

Active management
An approach to investing whereby a fund manager invests according to their judgement. The active investor aims to beat the returns from an asset class, such as company shares or bonds, or specified benchmark index/sector, rather than to match them.
Active share

A measure of how much of an investment portfolio differs from, or is similar to, a comparator benchmark. The higher percentage the greater the similarity and vice versa.  


The excess return of an asset or fund relative to the return of its benchmark. It is often considered to represent the value that a fund manager adds to or subtracts from a fund’s return.

Alternative investments / assets

Typically, these are investments other than the more traditional company shares or bonds which could include, for example, commodities (such as gold), infrastructure, private equity, real estate, and hedge funds. Alternative investments can be useful to help with diversification, as some of them are not expected to perform in the same way as more traditional investments.


A loan that is repaid in instalments over the course of its life.

Annual management charge (AMC)
The yearly fee paid to Premier Miton for managing a fund, expressed as a percentage of your investment. The AMC does not typically change from year to year.

Appreciation means that the value of a financial asset increases over time. This increase occurs for many different reasons, including increased demand, weakened supply or a change in inflation or interest rates.

Different groups of investments such as company shares, bonds, commodities or property.
Asset-backed bonds

A bond backed by a pool of assets such as mortgages or consumer loans.

Authorised Corporate Directors (ACDs)

Authorised Corporate Directors (ACDs) are responsible for the running of an investment fund, other than the investment management. They have a duty to act in the best interests of the fund’s investors and ensure that the fund is well managed in line with regulations and with the investment objectives and policies set out in its prospectus.


Banned weapons

Banned, or controversial weapons, are either illegal – as their production and use is prohibited by international laws and treaties – or considered controversial because of their indiscriminate effects and the disproportionate harm they may cause. They include biological weapons, chemical weapons, non-detectable fragments, blinding laser weapons, anti-personnel mines and cluster munitions.  

Bear market
A term that is used to describe a significant fall, usually of more than 20%, in a financial market or asset.

The measure of how reactive the price of an investment or a fund is to a comparable benchmark.

Bonds (or fixed income)

Types of investments that allow investors to loan money to governments and companies, usually in return for a regular fixed level of interest until the bond’s maturity date, plus the return of the original value of the bond at the maturity date. The price of bonds will vary, and the investment terms of bonds will also vary.

Bond Proxy

A bond proxy is an investment other than a bond, such as company shares, that has similar characteristics to bonds and therefore could be expected to perform similarly to bonds.

Bond yield
This is calculated by taking the level of interest paid by the bond, divided by the price of the bond, expressed as a percentage. As the price rises, the yield falls and vice versa.
Bottom-up selection

Selecting companies (stocks or bonds) in which to invest based on the attractiveness of the key characteristics of companies, such as their business area, profits growth or dividends.

Bull market
A term that is used to describe a significant rise, usually of 20% or more, in a financial market or asset


Call options

A type of derivative. Call options can be used for a number of reasons such as generating income or to gain exposure to an asset. They give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy underlying investments at a pre-agreed price, (the strike price), on, or up to, a specific date in the future (the expiry date). The seller (writer) of the option has an obligation to sell the underlying investments at the strike price if the option is exercised.

Describes financial assets, particularly cash, or other assets, such as shares, owned by a person or organisation.
Capital appreciation

Capital appreciation is the increase in the value of an investment, excluding any income received, exceeding the original amount paid for that investment.

Capital depreciation

Capital depreciation is the fall in the value of an investment, excluding any income received, below the original amount paid for that investment.

Capital Expenditure (CapEx)
Money invested by a company to acquire, upgrade, and maintain physical assets such as property, land, technology, or equipment.
Capital growth

The increase in the value of an asset or investment over time, excluding any income received, measured by its current value compared to its purchase cost.

Capital growth

The increase in the value of an asset or investment over time, excluding any income received, measured by its current value compared to its purchase cost.

Capital return

Capital return is a payment, or return, received from an investment, excluding any income received.

Carbon emissions

The carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases emitted when fossil fuels are used for power, for example, in the running of vehicles, buildings or industrial processes.

Carbon intensity

A standardised measure of the carbon emissions from a company relative to its revenues.

Carbon intensity of a fund (or weighted average carbon intensity, or WACI)

A measure of a fund’s exposure to carbon emissions. It can be calculated in a number of ways but provides an average of the underlying investments’ carbon intensity.

Carbon footprint (of a fund)

A measure of a fund’s exposure to carbon emissions. It can be calculated in a number of ways but gives an indication of the amount of carbon produced by the fund’s underlying investments.

Carbon price

The cost of emitting carbon into the atmosphere, either in the form of traded price, tax or subsidy.

Cash Compounders
These are companies that typically have durable businesses, whose products or services have consistent demand and are in a strong financial position.
Certificate of deposit

Typically, these are low risk investments that offer a fixed interest rate for a fixed amount of time and are usually offered by banks

Climate Disclosure Programme (CDP)

CDP (formally known as the Carbon Disclosure Project)
A global organisation which organises an annual climate assessment and reporting system for companies to use to support the reporting of climate risk.

Climate Action 100+

An investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.

Climate change

A change of climate that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is, in addition to natural climate variability, observed over comparable time periods.

Climate risk

Risks from increasing levels of carbon emissions in the atmosphere (physical or financial)

Circular economy

An economic model based on sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling, in an (almost) closed loop to minimise waste.

Closed-ended funds

A fund of pooled assets that has a fixed number of shares that are traded on a stock exchange. The fund may invest in different asset types such as company shares, bonds or infrastructure.

Collaborative engagement

A form of engagement carried out alongside other investors. This can be either in formal coalitions of investors to engage on a thematic issue or collaborating with other investors to engage with a company to achieve specific change.

Collective Investment Schemes

A common term for investment funds with more than one investor, such as unit trusts, Open Ended Investment Schemes (OEICs) and investment trusts.

The process in which a company’s earnings, from either capital gains or interest, are reinvested to generate additional earnings over time.
Compound return
The rate of return, usually expressed as a percentage that represents the cumulative effect that a series of gains or losses has on an original amount of capital over a period of time, expressed in annualised terms.
Commercial paper

A form of short-term borrowing by a company which pays a fixed rate of interest, and which is repaid on a set date.

These are natural resources such as gold, oil, gas, metals or agricultural products that have practical uses and can be bought and sold on financial markets.
Consumer discretionary

Goods and services that consumers consider non-essential but desirable if their available income is sufficient to purchase them.


Convertibles are bonds that have sensitivity to a company’s share price by having the right to convert to equity subject to certain qualifying conditions. As they have equity characteristics, we classify these as equities.

Contingent convertible bonds (CoCos)
A form of debt security usually issued by a financial institution that can either convert into equity or have the principal value written down, resulting from certain events relating to regulatory requirements.

A statistical measure that indicates the extent to which the prices of two or more investments move relative to each other. If the correlation is high, the prices behave similarly.

Corporate bonds

Issued by companies and similar to a loan in nature, usually paying a fixed rate of interest.

Corporate governance (or Governance)

The process and structure for overseeing the business and management of a company and includes factors ranging from board independence and remuneration practices to capital allocation and accounting practices. 

Corporate social responsibility (or corporate sustainability)

A business concept that describes a company’s commitment to conducting business in a way that provides a positive impact on stakeholders, including the community, and can include all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.

Controversial companies

Companies that have controversial practices that result in adverse impacts on society and the environment as defined by various global frameworks such as the UN Global Compact or the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Credit market
The market through which companies and governments issue debt to investors, such as investment grade (higher quality) and non-investment grade (lower quality) bonds and other fixed income securities.
Credit rating

A rating or score awarded by an independent agency, to indicate the financial strength of the issuer of a bond, and the potential for a default on payments. Bonds issued by developed market governments are generally considered to have the highest rating. As the financial strength or quality of the issuing entity diminishes, so does the credit rating. Higher quality bonds are considered investment grade. Lower rated bonds may be considered to be ‘sub-investment grade’ or ‘high yield’. Not all bonds are rated, and these are ‘nonrated bonds’ which may vary in quality.

Credit rating agencies
Independent agencies that assign credit ratings to governments, companies and other institutions. Each agency has its own rating methodology and rating or scoring system.
Credit risk
The risk of loss to a lender when a borrower is unable to make the required payments to repay a loan for example.
Credit spread
The difference in yield between two different bonds, usually a corporate bond and the government bond, with a similar date of repayment. It is typically used to describe the additional risk of owning a corporate bond.
Credit strategies
Different approaches to investing in bonds or bond like assets.
Cyclical stocks

A company whose business follows the economic cycle of expansion and recession, for example, restaurants, hotel chains, airlines and car manufacturers. These types of business typically benefit from economic expansion when their products and services are more in demand but can experience declining sales and profits during recessions and other challenging economic conditions.


Defensive barrier
A level that the underlying index of a structured investment needs to be above for it to mature and pay its predefined return on its annual anniversary.
Defensive auto call
A type of structured investment that has the potential to mature early if the underlying index that it is linked to reaches a specified level on the date of its anniversary.
Defensive stocks
A company whose products or services are typically in continual demand regardless of the changes in the economic environment, such as utility companies, healthcare companies and supermarkets.
An amount of money placed with a bank or other financial institution; these may take different forms and have different names, such as certificate of deposit. Deposits may pay fixed or variable rates of interest and may have set maturity dates.

This is a financial contract whose value is related to the value of an underlying asset or index, often used with the aim of managing risk or enhancing returns.

Discount (to Net Asset Value NAV)

The shares of investment trusts, Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) and other companies can have a share price below the value of their net assets, this difference is known as the discount. The shares can also be at a premium to their net assets.


The portion of its profits or capital that a company chooses to return to its shareholders. For a fund or trust, this is the payment of fund’s income to its shareholders.

Dividend yield
The dividend paid by a company or a fund in the previous 12 months, divided by the share price, expressed as a percentage. If the share prices falls, the yield will rise and vice versa.
Investing in a number of different investments, which can include different assets, funds and geographic areas, to help spread investment risk.
A measure of the price sensitivity of a fixed income investment to a change in interest rates.
Duration times spread (DTS)
A measure of the price sensitivity of a bond to duration and credit spread risks. Duration is a measure of the price sensitivity to a change in interest rates and credit spread is the additional yield of a bond over the equivalent government bond. DTS is calculated by multiplying the duration by the credit spread. The weighted average for the fund can then be calculated.


Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Calculated as a company’s profit divided by the number of shares that are in issue and is an indicator of a company’s profitability.

Earnings before interest payment, tax expense, depreciation of fixed assets and amortisation of intangible assets. EBITDA aims to calculate a level of earnings that would be consistent across similar companies despite potentially differing capital structures.


A ratio that aims to allow valuation comparison between similar companies but have different capital structures.

Efficient Portfolio Management

Managing the Fund in a way that is designed to reduce risk or cost and/or generate extra income or growth.

Energy Transition

A significant structural change in an energy system. This currently refers to the energy sector’s shift from fossil fuel-based systems of energy production and consumption to renewable energy sources such as wind, solar or hydro.


A purposeful dialogue between a company management or board and its shareholders that aims to enhance and protect the value of investments. This might take place to seek additional information about a company’s practices or to encourage improvements in performance and processes.

Emerging markets
Countries with less developed financial markets and which are generally considered riskier than investing in developed markets.
Emerging market debt
Bonds issued by less developed countries’ governments and companies within those countries.
ESG Factors

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are identified and assessed in responsible investment processes. Environmental factors relate to the quality and functioning of the natural environment and natural systems including climate change. Social factors relate to the rights, well-being and interests of people and communities including internal stakeholders (including working conditions and labour standards) as well as external (product safety and sourcing). Governance factors relate to the board structure and oversight of a company.

ESG integration

The systematic and explicit inclusion of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment analysis and investment decisions. This can be of varying degrees, depending on the investment approach employed. 

Another name for shares (or stock) in a company.

The Enterprise Value of a company, typically calculated by reference to its market capitalisation plus its net financial indebtedness.

Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs)

These are investment vehicles, traded on an exchange, that track the performance of an underlying commodity, such as gold, or commodity index.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)
A collective investment scheme listed on a stock market that invests in a range of assets that usually replicate an index of stocks, bonds or other investments.

Exclusions prohibit certain investments from a firm or fund. Exclusions may be applied on a variety of issues that maybe considered detrimental to the environment or society and potentially investment returns. These could typically include fossil fuels, tobacco, gambling, alcohol, animal testing and human rights amongst many others.


Financed emissions

Scope 3 carbon emissions that relate to investment portfolios.

Floating rate bond
Bonds which do not pay a fixed rate of interest.
Forward transactions

A type of derivative between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specified price and time in the future.

Fossil fuels

Fuels derived from past living plant and animal materials, where the burning of fossil fuels to provide energy releases carbon. Examples include oil, natural gas and coal.

Frontier markets

Countries that are less established than the emerging markets because they are too small, carry too much inherent risk, or are too illiquid to be considered an emerging market.

FTSE 100 Put Option

A type of derivative contract in which the underlying value is based on the level of the FTSE 100 index which tracks the performance of the 100 largest companies by market value listed on the London Stock Exchange.  Such contracts should increase in value if the FTSE 100 Index falls, therefore potentially protecting the value of a fund invested in UK companies. It can be thought of as an insurance policy.

FTSE Global All Cap Index

The FTSE Global All Cap Index is a market-capitalisation weighted index representing the performance of the large, mid and small cap stocks globally. The index covers Developed and Emerging Markets and is suitable as the basis for investment products, such as funds, derivatives and exchange-traded funds.

FTSE 100 Index

The FTSE 100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index), is an index that measures performance of the largest 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

FTSE 100 Put Option

A type of derivative contract in which the underlying value is based on the level of the FTSE 100 index which tracks the performance of the 100 largest companies by market value listed on the London Stock Exchange.  Such contracts should increase in value if the FTSE 100 Index falls, therefore potentially protecting the value of a fund invested in UK companies. It can be thought of as an insurance policy.


Strong fundamentals are considered to indicate a good company. This would include, for example, the ability to make profits and generate cash through selling goods or services.


Is a general term used to describe collective investment schemes, such as unit trusts, open-ended investment companies and closed-ended investment companies.

These are financial contracts that obligate the parties to transact an asset at a predetermined future date and price. The buyer must purchase or the seller must sell the underlying asset at the set price, regardless of the current market price at the expiration date. Futures can be traded up until their expiry date on futures markets.


The level of a company’s debt in relation to its capital. A company with significant debt compared to its capital is considered to be highly geared.
Government bonds
A type of bond, issued by a government. They pay out a regular fixed amount of interest until the bond’s maturity date, when the issue value of the bond should also be repaid. In the UK they are called gilts and in the US they are referred to as treasuries.
GPR 250 Europe Capped Index (GBP Hedged)

This index is composed of the 250 most liquid property companies and real estate investment trusts in Europe with single constituents capped at 10% and the currency exposure hedged to GBP.

Green bond

A bond issued by a company or other entity where the money raised will be applied exclusively to finance projects which contribute to environmental objectives such as renewable energy or energy efficiency.

Green taxonomy

Defined and standardised economic activities that are categorised as green – A common framework for defining economic activities that are environmentally sustainable.


A description of an organisation’s products, activities or policies (including investment products) that suggests a positive environmental outcome when this is not the case.

Growth stocks/companies

Typically, those companies whose profits are less sensitive to economic activity and can grow profits and generate cash at a rate above the average growth for companies listed on the stock market and through different economic conditions; they usually operate in faster growing industries such as technology or healthcare.


An investment which aims to mitigate the effect of adverse price movements in an asset or group of assets
Hedge fund
A portfolio of investments that uses advanced investment strategies. Hedge funds range from low risk to very high risk and are usually not regulated. Investing in hedge funds is usually only suitable for sophisticated, experienced investors.
High carbon companies

Carbon intensive companies – Premier Miton has defined these as companies that are in the following Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) sectors, Consumer Discretionary, Energy, Industrials, Materials, Utilities.

High yield or Non-investment grade or Sub-investment grade bonds
Bonds that are expected to have a higher risk of defaulting on interest payments or repayment of the issue value on maturity and receive lower ratings from credit rating agencies.
Human rights

Rights that are inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. They include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. The UN Declaration on Human Rights is widely recognised as a benchmark of these basic standards.


Investment Association (IA)
The trade association that represents investment management firms in the UK.
Investment Association (IA) sectors

To help with comparisons between the thousands of funds available, funds are categorised into different groups or sectors, organised and reviewed by the Investment Association (IA).

IA Europe excluding UK

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% of their assets in European equities and exclude UK securities.

IA Flexible Investment sector

Funds in this sector are required to have a range of different investments. However, the fund manager has significant flexibility over what to invest in. There is no minimum or maximum requirement for investment in company shares (equities) and there is scope for funds to have a high proportion of shares. The manager is accorded a significant degree of discretion over asset allocation and is allowed to invest up to 100% in equities at their discretion.

  • No minimum equity requirement
  • No minimum fixed income or cash requirement
IA Global sector

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% of their assets globally in equities. Funds must be diversified by geographic region.

IA Global Emerging Markets sector

Funds in this sector are required to invest 80% or more of their assets in equities from emerging market countries as defined by the relevant FTSE or MSCI Emerging Markets and Frontier indices. The maximum frontier equity exposure is restricted to 20% of the total fund.

IA Global Equity Income sector

Funds in this sector are required to  invest at least 80% of their assets globally in equities. Funds must be diversified by geographical region and intend to achieve a historic yield on the distributable income in excess of 110% of the MSCI World Index yield at the fund’s year end. Income shares: if you select this type of share, any income made by the fund is paid out to you.

IA Infrastructure

Funds in this sector are required to have at least 80% of their assets (directly or indirectly) in companies involved in the ownership, operation or maintenance of infrastructure assets (including but not limited to: utilities, energy, transport, health, education, security, communications). 

IA Mixed Investment 0-35% Shares sector

Funds in this sector are required to have a range of different investments. Up to 35% of the fund can be invested in company shares (equities). At least 45% of the fund must be in fixed income investments (for example, corporate and government bonds) and/or “cash” investments. “Cash” can include investments such as current account cash, short-term fixed income investments and certificates of deposit.

  • Maximum 35% equity exposure (including convertibles)
  • No minimum equity requirement
  • Minimum 45% investment grade fixed income and cash
  • Minimum 80% investment in established market currencies (US Dollar, Sterling & Euro) of which 40% must be Sterling
  • Sterling requirement includes assets hedged back to Sterling
IA Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares sector

Funds in this sector are expected to have a range of different investments. The fund must have between 20% and 60% invested in company shares (equities). At least 30% of the fund must be in fixed income investments (for example, corporate and Government bonds) and/or “cash” investments. “Cash” can include investments such as current account cash, short-term fixed income investments and certificates of deposit.

  • Maximum 60% equity exposure (including convertibles)
  • Minimum 20% equity exposure
  • Minimum 30% fixed income and cash
  • Minimum 60% investment in established market currencies (US Dollar, Sterling & Euro) of which 30% must be Sterling
  • Sterling requirement includes assets hedged back to Sterling
IA Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares sector

Funds in this sector are expected to have a range of different investments. However, there is scope for funds to have a high proportion in company shares (equities). A fund must have between 40% and 85% invested in company shares.

  • Maximum 85% equity exposure (including convertibles)
  • Minimum 40% equity exposure
  • No minimum fixed income or cash requirement
  • Minimum 50% investment in established market currencies (US Dollar, Sterling & Euro) of which 25% must be Sterling
  • Sterling requirement includes assets hedged back to Sterling
IA North American Smaller Companies sector

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% of their assets in North American equities of companies which form the bottom 20% by market capitalisation.

IA North America

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% of their assets in North American equities.

IA Sterling Corporate Bond sector

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% of their assets in Sterling denominated (or hedged back to Sterling) BBB minus or above corporate bond securities (as measured by Standard & Poors or an equivalent external rating agency). This excludes convertibles, preference shares and permanent interest-bearing shares (PIBs).

IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% of their assets in Sterling denominated (or hedged back to Sterling) fixed interest securities. This excludes convertibles, preference shares and permanent interest-bearing shares (PIBs).

IA UK All Companies sector

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% of their assets in UK equities which have a primary objective of achieving capital growth.

IA UK Smaller Companies

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% of their assets in UK equities of companies which form the bottom 10% by market capitalisation.

IA UK Equity Income sector

Funds in this sector are required to invest at least 80% in UK equities and which intend to achieve a historic yield on the distributable income in excess of 100% of the FTSE All Share yield at the fund’s year end on a 3-year rolling basis and 90% on an annual basis.

IA Specialist sector

Funds in this sector will have an investment universe that is not accommodated by the mainstream sectors. Performance ranking of funds within the sector as a whole is inappropriate, given the diverse nature of its constituents.

IA Standard Money Market sector

Funds in this sector  invest their assets in money market instruments and are required to comply with the definition of a ‘Money Market’ fund set out in the COLL Sourcebook.

Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)

European group that supports and provides guidance to investment managers on managing risks and opportunities relating to climate change.

Impact investing

Investments made with the intention to generate positive social and /or environmental impacts alongside a financial return. These can mean that financial considerations or gains are secondary.

Income shares

A fund may have accumulation and income shares. If an investor selects income shares, any income generated by the fund is paid out to the investor.

An index is a method of tracking the performance of a group of shares, bonds, other assets or factors. For example, the FTSE 100 Index is made up of the 100 largest companies on the London Stock Exchange.

The increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy.

Infrastructure companies
These are typically companies involved in the movement and storage of goods, people, water, energy and include regulated utilities, telecommunications and transport companies
Initial Public Offering (IPO)

An initial public offering (IPO) refers to the process of offering shares of a private company to the public in a new stock issuance for the first time. An IPO allows a company to raise money from institutional and individual investors.

Investor Forum

An independent organisation with a membership of institutional investors which helps to collectively engage with UK companies on stewardship matters.


An independent organisation with a membership of institutional investors which helps to collectively engage with UK companies on stewardship matters.

Investment grade bond
Bonds that are expected to have a lower risk of defaulting on interest payments or repayment of the issue value on maturity and receive higher ratings from credit rating agencies.
Investment Trusts

A type of collective investment where a group of investors pool their money to invest in a portfolio of assets. As public limited companies, they trade on a stock exchange so that their shares can be bought and sold.

Individual Savings Account (ISA)

A wrapper in which you can place your savings and investments to protect them from some forms of taxation. There are different types of ISA. All of Premier Miton’s funds are available for investing in an ISA (with the exception of Premier Miton Financials Capital Securities Fund). HM Revenue & Customs set the amount that you are allowed to invest into an ISA in each tax year. Further details about ISAs, including the current ISA investment limits, can be found on the Government website.

A legal entity (such as a company or government) that sells securities to finance its operations.


Labour standards

Standards that aim to promote opportunities for people to obtain decent and productive working conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is widely recognised as the main institution that sets and upholds international standards.

Where a company borrows money to invest in its business or assets in the expectation that the profit made will be greater than cost of the borrowings. It can also occur when a company cannot generate sufficient revenue to meet its costs. Leverage can be introduced to funds through the use of derivatives or borrowing.

Is something a person or company owes, usually a sum of money.


London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is the interest rate benchmarks used to calculate the average rate at which banks would offer a short-term loan to each other. LIBOR has been replaced by SONIA.


Refers to how easily an asset can be bought or sold on a financial exchange. When there is high liquidity, it will be easier to find a buyer (or seller) for that asset and vice versa.

Listed company
A company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange.
Long / short fund

A fund that aims to benefit from the increase in value and decrease in value of different assets held in the portfolio, often with little overall market directional risk.


The overall economy of a country or region. Macroeconomic factors include; inflation, interest rates, unemployment and gross domestic product, amongst many others. These are used to describe the health of an economy and will effect financial markets.
Market capitalisation
The total value of the shares of a company, often referred to as ‘market cap’. For example, large companies are referred to as ‘large cap’, medium sized companies as ‘mid-cap’ and small companies a as ‘small cap’.
Market neutral
Seeking to profit from both increasing and decreasing prices of specific assets or groups of assets, whilst attempting to avoid the impact of movements in the overall market.
The set date on which a bond or similar loan will be repaid by the borrower.
Maturity profile (of a fund)
Where a fund invests in a range of bonds with different maturity dates (on which the bond will be repaid), the maturity profile reflects the overall length of time until the bonds held in the fund will mature. For example, the maturity profile could be described as “short dated”. The maturity profile will change over time, subject to the fund manager’s views and market conditions.
Modern slavery

The exploitation of people who are coerced into an activity by someone who “controls” them, often with violence. It can take many forms including forced labour, early or forced marriage or human and organ trafficking. The UK’s Modern Slavery Act is a globally leading piece of legislation that sets out a range of measures on how modern slavery and human trafficking should be dealt with.

Modified duration

Duration is a measurement, in years, of the price sensitivity of a bond to a change in interest rates. Modified duration provides an indication of the price change of a bond in response to a 1% change in interest rates. If a bond has a modified duration of 5 years, then we can expect an approximate 5% shift in the bond’s price for every 1% change in interest rates. If interest rates rise by 2%, then we would expect the bond price to decrease by around 10% (5 years modified duration times 2% change in interest rates).

Money markets
Buying and selling of debt, loans and similar investments which are usually repayable within one year.
A fund that invests across a combination of different asset classes, such as commercial property, company shares, bonds and alternative investments with the aim of increasing diversification and reducing risk, and achieving specific investment objectives such as paying an income


Natural Income

Natural income is an income gained by taking the dividend or interest payments an investment provides and leaving the capital amount untouched.

Net Asset Value (NAV)
The total of a company’s assets minus its liabilities. The net asset value per share is the total of a company’s assets minus its liabilities divided by the number of shares in issue.
Net revenue earnings

The dividend income received on the portfolio less all operational costs.

Net zero

Net zero carbon is defined as the state when carbon emissions are balanced out by the equivalent removal of carbon from the atmosphere.  This is usually interpreted to mean reducing carbon emissions to close to zero by 2050.


Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, which is an international group of asset managers that have committed to supporting the goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner.


Non-financial objectives

Investment objectives that are not financial but relate to an environmental, social or governance (ESG), sustainability or similar metric.


A loan taken out by a subsidiary company in which the lender has no recourse against a parent company in the event of default.

Non-investment grade or high yield or sub-investment grade bonds
Bonds that are expected to have a higher risk of defaulting on interest payments or repayment of the issue value on maturity and receive lower ratings from credit rating agencies.


Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF)

A measure of what it costs to invest in a fund over a year. It includes the fee paid to Premier Miton for the management of the fund (known as the annual management charge) and the OCFs of underlying funds that might be held in a portfolio (excluding any Premier Miton funds held) with the remainder covering costs that have to be paid to external companies for other services relating to the ongoing administration and management of a fund, such as the fees paid to the depositary, custodian, regulator, auditor and administrator. The fee is deducted from the value of the fund and reflected in the fund’s share price. The OCF is typically calculated once a year and can change from year to year. The OCF does not include transaction costs which are associated with buying and selling investments in a fund.

Open ended funds

A portfolio of pooled investor money that can issue an unlimited number of shares.  These shares are priced daily based on their current net asset value (NAV). They can invest in many different types of assets.

Operational carbon emissions

The carbon emissions that a company produces from their day-to-day operations such as manufacturing processes, use of gas and oil for heating and lighting and any company vehicles.  Under global standards for carbon emissions, the GHG protocol, these are often referred to as Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions


A financial contract that enables the holder to purchase or sell a certain number of shares at a future date and at a known price.

Ordinary shares

Also called common shares, these are issued by companies. Each share means that the holder owns a part of the company, and it gives the right to vote at company shareholder meetings. This is same for companies listed on stock markets or private companies.

Out of the money
This is when the strike price of a put option is below the current price of the underlying asset or when the strike price of a call option is above the current price.


Paris Agreement

Global commitment agreed at the COP21 meeting in Paris in 2015 to limit the increase in global average temperature to below 2 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels.

Passive investing

An approach which seeks to replicate an index of investments such as company shares, for example the FTSE 100 Share Index.


A ratio that compares the share price to the earnings per share of a company. Earnings per share is calculated by reference to a company’s net earnings divided by the number of shares in issue.


A ratio that compares a company’s share price to its net assets per share.

Private equity
An alternative form of financing for companies that, typically, are not listed on stock exchanges. The financing is usually provided by professional investors.
Private Equity Trusts (of funds)

A portfolio of investments that consists of companies that are not listed on a public exchange.


A collection of financial investments like company shares, bonds, commodities (such as gold), and cash, and which could also include closed-end and exchange traded funds (ETFs).

Potential upside
Describes the potential increase in value of an investment.
Power purchase agreement

Contracts between an electricity generator and a power purchaser to buy and sell a given quantity of electricity over a given period.

Put option
A type of derivative. They can be used to protect the value of an underlying investment or group of investments against a fall in value and can be thought of as an insurance policy. These can make a fund more volatile from time to time.


Quantitative easing (QE)
A monetary policy whereby a central bank purchases predetermined amounts of government bonds or other financial assets in order to inject money into the economy to expand economic activity. It has the opposite effect to quantitative tightening.
Quantitative tightening (QT)
A monetary policy whereby a central bank decreases the amount of liquidity within an economy. It reduces the financial assets that it holds. It has the opposite effect to quantitative easing and dampens economic growth.
Quoted company
A company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange.


Real estate investment trust (REIT)
A company that owns and manages property on behalf of shareholders. A REIT can contain commercial and/or residential property.
Return on Assets (ROA)
A financial ratio that indicates how profitable a company is in relation to its total assets. Corporate management, analysts, and investors can use ROA to determine how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate a profit or cash.
Return on equity

Calculates the financial return for a company’s shares, usually for a one year period, based on the new earnings divided by shareholders’ equity capital.

Revenue reserve

An investment trust has to pay a minimum of 85% of the income it receives each financial year to shareholders, usually via a dividend. Up to 15% can be retained in a revenue reserve account to be paid in the future.

Rights issue
When a company offers its existing shareholders the chance to buy a fixed number of additional shares, probably at a reduced price for a fixed period of time. The money raised can be used by the company for a range of purposes.
Risk capital / Risk assets
Refers to money or other assets that are exposed to a possible loss in value.
Risk on / risk off
When investors are more optimistic on the outlook for asset prices. During a risk on period investors take risk by buying assets and prices are typically rising. Risk off is the opposite.


Scope 1 emissions

Direct carbon emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by a company such as emissions from the use of gas and oil and by company vehicles.

Scope 2 emissions

Indirect carbon emission from sources that are owned or controlled by a company such as emissions from consumption of purchased electricity and gas.

Scope 3 emissions

Indirect carbon emissions from sources not owned or controlled by a company such as emissions from business travel, supply chains, product usage and investment portfolios.

Securitised loans
Pooling various types of loans, debts or other assets and packaging them together to sell onto third parties.
Share blocking

When local regulations restrict the selling of company shares for a period after voting at an annual meeting.

Share price
The amount it would cost to buy one share in a company; it is not fixed but fluctuates for many reasons, including the success of the company and market conditions.
Share price total return

The return to the investor, on a mid price to mid price basis, assuming that all dividends paid were reinvested, without transaction costs, into the shares of the Company at the time the shares were quoted ex-dividend.

Shareholder resolutions

The proposal of a resolution, or voting item at a company meeting, made by a shareholder or group of shareholders.

Short dated bonds
A bond with a short period of time until its maturity or date of repayment, usually defined as less than 5 years.
Short position
Investing in such a way that profit will be made if the value of the underlying asset falls.
S&P Global Clean Energy Index

The S&P Global Clean Energy Index is designed to measure the performance of companies in global clean energy-related businesses from both developed and emerging markets. It usually contains 100 companies.

Specialist bonds

Instruments that have bond-like characteristics, but are not bonds.

Spot price
The current market price at which an asset is bought or sold.
Standard money market funds

These funds are subject to less restrictive investment rules than short-term money market funds. Standard money market funds must be variably priced and are therefore all classified as Standard VNAV funds. VNAV is where the net asset value (NAV) is variable (V) because it changes in line with the value of the underlying assets the fund holds.


Ongoing interaction between investors and company management and boards that aims to ensure a company’s long-term strategy and day-to-day management is effective and preserves and enhances long term value. It includes engaging on areas of concern and voting on shares (where relevant) to ensure management is acting in the long-term best interests of its shareholders.

Stewardship Code

The Code comprises of a set of 12 principles that set high stewardship standards for investment managers who are signatories to the Code to comply with. The UK’s Financial Reporting Council oversee the Code and grant signatory status.

Structured investments

Are a group of financial instruments which frequently combine the potential upside of market performance with limited downside. They may also provide a fixed return in exchange for accepting a degree of risk or may generate gains from market falls. They can also be used within a Fund to help manage the impact of large stockmarket fluctuations.

SONIA (Sterling Overnight Index Average)

The effective overnight interest rate paid by banks to borrow money overnight from other financial institutions.

One month SONIA (Sterling Overnight Index Average)

SONIA is the effective overnight interest rate paid by banks to borrow money overnight from other financial institutions. 1 month SONIA reflects the expected average SONIA rate over that period.

Sub-investment grade bonds or non-investment grade or High yield
Bonds that are expected to have a higher risk of defaulting on its interest payments or repayment of the issue value on maturity and receive lower ratings from credit rating agencies.

Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. 

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

A set of 17 global goals agreed to in 2015 by the United Nations to seek to address the key global challenges, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.

Sustainable growth themes

Long term, global investment themes that have the potential to drive significant and sustainable, corporate financial returns. They will be in keeping with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and could include energy transition, health & wellbeing and circular economy, amongst many more.

Sustainable investment

An investment in an activity that contributes to a sustainable outcome, for example linked to an environmental or social objective.


TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

The Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures is a global set of recommendations and a framework for disclosing climate change risk.

Time value
An amount that could be attributed to the value of an asset that reflects its longevity.
Thematic investing
Thematic investing is an approach which focuses on predicted long-term trends rather than specific companies or sectors, enabling investors to access structural changes that are running through economies, society or financial markets.

tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Total (Gross) assets
A measure of the size of an investment company. The total value of all assets held, less current liabilities, including income for the current year.
Total return
A way of showing how an investment has performed, and is made-up of the capital appreciation or depreciation and includes any income generated by the investment. Measured over a set period, it is expressed as a percentage of the value of the investment at the start of that period.
Tracking error

A calculation of how returns from a group of investments are likely to differ from a comparator benchmark.

Transferable securities

A general term used to describe a broad range of investments such as bonds and company shares for example.


UN Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a global corporate sustainability initiative that calls companies to align strategies with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption

Unicorn stock
A term used to describe a privately owned start-up company that is not traded on a stock exchange and, due to its success, has a valuation of $1 billion or more. They are referred to as unicorns as historically these types of company have been rare, but are more common today.
Unit Trust

A unit trust manages portfolios of stocks, bonds, and other assets on behalf of investors. Those investors buy units of the trust or fund, and the price of the unit depends on the net asset value of the fund’s underlying investments. It is also what’s known as an open-ended investment product, meaning there’s no limit to how many people can invest or how much can be invested.

Unit Trust Manager

The Unit Trust Manager is responsible for the running of a unit trust. They have a duty to act in the best interests of the unit trust’s investors and ensure that the unit trust is well managed in line with regulations and with the investment objectives and policies set out in its prospectus.

Unquoted securities

A security which is not listed, quoted, or dealt in on any stock exchange.


Value chain
A business model that describes the full range of activities needed to create a product or service. For companies that produce goods, a value chain comprises the steps that involve bringing a product from conception to distribution, and everything in between—such as procuring raw materials, manufacturing functions, and marketing activities.
Value stocks / companies

A company whose share price appears to be trading at a lower price than might be expected given the value of its assets, its profitability or the dividends it pays; these types of company can be more sensitive to economic conditions.

A measure of the frequency and severity with which the price of an investment goes up and down.
Voting, or Proxy Voting

Shareholders have the right to vote at company general meetings. Voting gives investors a say on a company’s corporate policies, including the election of the board of directors, as well as the ability to approve or reject some major corporate actions such as a merger. The majority of investors do not attend company general meetings and appoint an individual (or a firm) as a proxy to cast their votes.



A type of derivative that gives the holder the right to buy or sell an underlying asset at a set price within a set period.

Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (WACI)

WACI is a measure of a fund’s exposure to carbon emissions which allows for comparison to a suitable benchmark or to other funds.

Weighted Average Life (WAL)

The weighted average amount of time remaining until the securities held in a fund’s portfolio are scheduled to be repaid.

Weighted Average Maturity (WAM)
The weighted average amount of time until the securities in a portfolio mature. The higher the WAM, the longer it takes for all of the holdings in the portfolio to mature


Yield (also see bond yield)
The dividend per share divided by the stock’s or fund’s price per share and expressed as a percentage. The historic yield is the dividend income distributed during the past year and expressed as a percentage of the share price on a particular day.
Yield to maturity (bonds)
The annualised percentage rate of return from a bond assuming it is held to maturity. It takes into account the remaining income paid and the return of the original principal amount of the loan.

An emerging asset class of publicly traded companies that are focused on returning cash flows generated from renewable energy assets to shareholders via dividends.


Zero dividend preference shares (ZDPs)

Issued by investment trusts, ZDPs have a maturity date. They do not pay an income but pay a set amount at maturity as long as certain conditions are met.

Zombie Companies

Companies that earn just enough money to continue operating and service debt but are unable to pay off their debt. Such companies survive by meeting overheads (wages, rent, interest payments on debt, for example), but have no excess capital to invest to spur growth.

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